Voting is a moral obligation. (Baltimore Catechism, Q. 246; CCC, 2239)
DURING NAZI GERMANY most Christian ministers went along with the Party. Most by active approval. Others, by cowardly silence. Very few exhibited the authenticity of real faith, alignment with the heart of Jesus Christ: "Proclaim the message; persist in it whether convenient or not." (2 Tim. 4:2) / "Whoever will lose his life for my sake will gain it." (Matt. 16:25) These gave witness to what faith in Jesus Christ looks like.
Elections are not referendums on a candidate's personality.
Elections are not about canonization.
Elections are about the greatest good possible.
"Protection of human life and not its destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Hitler was not remembered for his economic innovations.
Even if elections were about other consequential things such as the economy, advancement for every human person, religious freedom, national security... the election would decisively favor Trump.
But mostly, ultimately, beyond skewed narratives, this election is principally about the protection of human life. The dignity of the human person created in God's image.
The wanton killing of unborn children in the womb, over 65 million in the United States, up to and even beyond birth, for any reason, must be regarded as the most horrific affront to God and all of humanity.
And in this Republic, that responsibility is on us.
As is accountability.
We are a people in need of Shepherds.
In need of our Shepherds shepherding.
Speaking truth with love.
This is what that looks like.