Commentary / Family Talk: Defending our larger family

I'VE HAD AN AVERSION TO PURCHASING "serious" firearms. But as protection of my family is my primary responsibility, and delegation of the same seems increasingly precarious and perhaps even entitlement, I'm thinking I need to get over it.

In the movie "The Mission" I'm conflicted which of the two responses at the end best represent me: Processing with the Monstrance, or taking up arms. Both can be morally appropriate.

I am and have been much more inclined to supernatural/ spiritual/ evangelical engagement and dying for the cause of Christ. But the landscape and moral imperative changes when it comes to my responsibility to defend my family. That's not a "hindsight" question. Were it not for good men taking up arms we'd be flying under a Nazi flag.

I've used guns my whole life. Not regularly, but I'm quite familiar. Answering one of my thoughtful detractors, I've NEVER "fantasized" about killing anyone. If anything, I've fantasized about martyrdom.

At the end of the day, I'm landing strongly on the fact that this is a moral imperative per my responsibility to protect my family-- particularly when the radicalized left have perpetrated the dissolution of marriage and family, moral and virtuous formation in schools, removing God and faith (the basis for our current cultural circumstances)... weaponized civil unrest and racial tensions... punctuated by the baby-killing movement... and now, has stirred up a hornet's nest in the name of "peace" and "tolerance"... including calling for defunding police forces.

Now seeking advice. We will be seeking a good gun safety course. I want them all to be acquainted. But... what to buy?