Based on the political, media, and tech oligarchy, apparently it's acceptable to indoctrinate children in public schools at the earliest ages with aberrant and dysphoric views of sexuality, to institutionalize mediocrity and a culture of victimization... 

...paving paths that by all data lead to devastation. Review respective top results in searches combining "health" with "
homosexuality" or "transgender." But engage entities such as Hillsdale College, anchored in timeless, fundamental truths of the human person with regard to the good, beautiful, and true, with an unquestionable track record in producing solid marriages, families, and citizens, making the world a better place by every objective standard for everyone, and you get some variation of this: "A Tiny Christian College in Michigan Is Infiltrating Florida’s Schools."

Hillsdale College is on the frontline battle for the soul of America. Thank God for courageous leaders such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, wise enough to know, and principled enough to act. Regardless of overwhelming, weaponized wokism. It's not enough for us to admire; we need to emulate... by pursuit, proclamation, and paving the way. Because “[s]ilence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

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If you're looking for simple, logically-cogent language to respectfully engage in this marketplace of ideas, here are 10 Measures for a Healthy America. 

If you're a Christian grandparent or parent, here's how our family with so many others throughout the United States are getting engaged at "the cornerstone of civilization" and making a huge difference. Please partner with us.