1) WHOM YOU MARRY Spiritual attraction, personality attraction and physical attraction are all important, but they are not enough. God designed marriage. What’s essential is availing to His appointing. From which follows His anointing. Not just feelings. Real revelation. Validation. In Jesus Christ. Discovering a mutual desire to sacrifice for the good of other. As a way of life. Revealing the Trinity. Union in Him who IS Love. A shared awareness that, together, you’re about His heart. His purposes. His plan. His provision. (Regardless of how you started, God can bring you here!)
2) MEN: BE THE MAN (LIKE JESUS) “Submission” literally means “under the mission” (Eph. 5). Which implies, men, that you know you have a mission. That you’re about it. What’s your mission? Look at the Cross. Your mission is to lay down your life for your wife and family. In everything. All the time. As Jesus Christ did for His Church.
Mission test: Do you have a dedicated, daily prayer time? Are you seeking spiritual guidance, growth, and accountability… particularly in Scripture? Are you praying over your wife and children with power and purpose? Are you attuned to their souls? Are you guiding them? Are you helping them identify and pursue their God-given mission? When’s the last time you led your family in meaningful talk and prayer?
Men, if we’re not about this, if we’re not leading, Satan will.
(GO: Pentecost365.us)
3) WOMEN: BE THE WOMAN (HOME CULTURE) Nothing replaces the formative environment of our homes. And God doesn’t give us children for others to raise them. No one can surpass the formative impact of children in our homes. More than skills, formation is about the soul. No paycheck, or size of home, or cool car, or nice vacation, or boat, or experience of validation in a workplace... surpasses the value of Mom attentively, lovingly forming children, particularly at an early age (through 10 years).
4) SCHOOL OF VIRTUE (HOME SCHOOL) No, it’s not patently “evil” to send our kids to a school. Yes, many good people come from brick-and-mortar schools. But in what other area do we measure a good by a non-negative? Would you take a loved one to St. Morticia Hospital because SOME people come out alive? On the choice between homeschool and “brick-and-mortar,” do your own research on comparative outcomes. Ask any college admissions counselor. There’s no comparison.
Perhaps most importantly, on the subject of virtue formation, 80%+ coming out of both public and Christian schools lack a moral compass. That is, they disregard, if not participate, in mortal sin. “Mortal” literally means “death.” What if upon graduation 80% of our children were physically dying? Which is more important? (Luke 12)
Yes, there are examples of homeschool kids who came out a “mess” (but never beyond God’s profound love and capacity for transformation). But that’s typically the result of not availing to what was fully available: Good programs, support, accountability, and guidance.
“I could never do that.” If Mary said that we’d never be redeemed. If George Washington said that we’d never be a nation. If your parents said that you wouldn’t be reading this. You likely already know the power of faith in some regard. Faith is not based upon what we think we can do. It is first and foremost availing to God’s will. For what He calls us to, He will provide for. There’s no greater atmosphere of formation, no greater gift, than your children exhibiting you walking in faith.
You can do it. While the confining circumstances of COVID were quite different from homeschooling, did they not demonstrate some capability? Didn’t “soreness” of certain “parent muscles” alert you to the need of something being more regularly and fully exercised? (listen to our radio program on the subject)
5) PURPOSE AND POWER This is the big question. The fabric of it all. Why do you exist? How will your life be measured? Do our children know who they are in Jesus Christ? What it means to be Christian? Do they know they were appointed and anointed for great, eternal things? Are they about it? To what are their hearts and minds directed? Are they intentionally, actively walking in that grace? Are they disciplined along that path? Are they intentionally going from vice to virtue? Do they intentionally and habitually pray and praise from the heart? Do they actively pray with and over people? Are they exhibiting signs of the Kingdom?
Of course, it's not enough to simply know. If so, Satan would be counted among the greatest saints. And it's not enough just to simply perform. If so, any marginal actor could be regarded a saint. Knowledge and performance weren't enough for the Apostles, and it's not enough for us.
The decisive difference is intimately knowing Jesus. That's only possible when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit. When the flame of the Holy Spirit is constantly fanned within us. Giving us supernatural life. His power to heal, raise the dead, cast out demons. (Matt. 10:8) To transform this world.
Of course, it's not enough to simply know. If so, Satan would be counted among the greatest saints. And it's not enough just to simply perform. If so, any marginal actor could be regarded a saint. Knowledge and performance weren't enough for the Apostles, and it's not enough for us.
The decisive difference is intimately knowing Jesus. That's only possible when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit. When the flame of the Holy Spirit is constantly fanned within us. Giving us supernatural life. His power to heal, raise the dead, cast out demons. (Matt. 10:8) To transform this world.
God appointed and anointed us for great things. Perhaps you’re reading this right now because you need the prayers, support, and encouragement. We’re here for you.