In the serene embrace of a sunlit meadow, living streams wound about two steadfast oak trees, named Bellerophon and Arete, who stood as pillars of virtue. Regarded not so much for their perfect attainment as for their perpetual pursuit. Their branches reached toward heaven, offering shelter to creatures in need.
One blessed day, a gentle wind carried seven precious seeds from Bellerophon and Arete's branches, gently placing them in the fertile soil below.
With an unwavering sense of their sacred nature and purpose, imbued with great anticipation for what was unveiling, the trees watched over their seeds, nurturing them with refreshing streams, rain, and the warmth of the Son.
As time flowed with the living streams, the seeds sprouted into tender saplings. Bellerophon and Arete, ever pining for godly wisdom, forged their saplings in kindness, humility, and fortitude, guiding them through the seasons.
Years marched on, and the saplings matured into strong youths, their roots growing deep into the earth. But a unique tension emerged. The young trees, aware of their well-formed stature and distinct qualities, began to press for their own turf. They desired to extend their branches, making their own paths in the meadow.
Bellerophon and Arete, while knowing their sacred trust, their godly authority in the meadow, knew that this entailed forging their growing progeny for the same. To recognize and live their own missions and purposes. To expand godly care and influence to other meadows.
One radiant dawn, as the first light kissed the horizon, Bellerophon and Arete, with their beloved, knew something was different. The winds seemed to whisper: "God's plan now beckons you to make your own path. As your parents have stood firmly in their faith and pursued virtue, now is your time to find your place and make it sacred!"
With a mix of reverence and determination, perhaps a tinge of fear that forges all who face the unknown, the growing trees drew deep upon the streams of living water and knew they were ready to extend their young leaves. With that, they stepped away from the nurturing embrace of their elders. Fortified by awareness of common roots they could always count upon. Support, encouragement, and formation they would continue to receive. Near or far.
In the world beyond, the growing trees encountered trials and tribulations, but they also found strength in the formation and foundation of Bellerophon and Arete. They learned to stand steadfast in the face of adversity, to draw sustenance from the living waters, and to seek God's light to fuel their growth. In abundance. To overflow.
As the once young saplings flourished into noble trees, their branches lifted high in praise, Bellerophon and Arete gazed upon them with hearts full of gratitude and humility.
The lesson: "Great roots always remain," and "If they don't go, they won't grow.”
What this looks like today for us: ABOUT OUR FAMILY.
What this looks like today for us: ABOUT OUR FAMILY.