FAVORITE NUGGETS OF WISDOM | Covey, Maxwell & Collins

I'VE ALWAYS LOVED WISDOM LITERATURE, a genre that's about imparting timeless insights, life lessons, and advice. Below are nuggets I'm ever seeking to weave into my own life:

STEPHEN COVEY (eg) "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

With all the benefits of a dot-com world comes an ugly step-child. Life on the pixelized stage often entails addictive forms of superficial validation. This exacerbates what Covey calls a "personality ethic." Fixation on surface-level behaviors and techniques for outward success. This contrasts sharply with a "character ethic" which, for the better part of human history, marked the success of men and women whose lives proclaimed the power of alignment with foundational, enduring, universal principles and values:

1) Proactivity: Take initiative and responsibility for your actions and choices.

2) Begin with the End in Mind: Clarify your values, vision, and goals before embarking on a journey.

3) Put First Things First: Focus on your priorities and manage your time effectively.

4) Think Win-Win: Foster a mindset of mutual benefit in relationships and interactions.

5) Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood: Listen empathetically before expressing your viewpoint.

6) Synergize: Collaborate and create synergy by valuing diverse perspectives.

7) Sharpen the Saw: Continuously invest in self-renewal and growth in various dimensions of life.

JOHN MAXWELL (eg) "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"

The Law of the Lid: Your leadership ability determines your level of effectiveness.

The Law of Influence: Leadership is about relationships and influence, not just position.

The Law of Process: Leadership development takes time and requires continuous learning.

The Law of Navigation: Leaders chart a course and guide others toward a shared destination.

The Law of Addition: True leaders add value to others and prioritize their growth.

The Law of Priorities: Focus on high-impact tasks that align with your goals and values.

The Law of Legacy: Leave a lasting impact by investing in the growth of others.

JIM COLLINS (eg) "Good to Great" offers insights into what separates exceptional companies from the rest.

Level 5 Leadership: Great leaders blend humility and determination, focusing on the success of the organization rather than personal recognition.

First Who, Then What: Start with getting the right people on the bus before deciding on the direction.

Confront the Brutal Facts: Face the reality of challenges while maintaining an unwavering commitment to success.

The Hedgehog Concept: Focus on what you can be the best at, what drives your economic engine, and what you're deeply passionate about.

The Flywheel Effect: Achieve sustained success through consistent, incremental efforts that build momentum over time.

Preserve the Core and Stimulate Progress: Maintain a strong core ideology while adapting to changing circumstances.

What if we could foster a culture comprised of "iron sharpening iron" in these regards?