It could be otherwise.
FAMILY IS NOT SIMPLY AN ASSOCIATION of people who share the same DNA and space. Who help one another accomplish life tasks. Family is forged by our common awareness of our Designer. In Whom we discover our design. Not something we can presume to determine, but Someone in Whom we are determined. In Whom we discover our most fundamental identity, purpose, and mission. In Whom our relationships are forged. Family is an icon of God. Who is Love. A Trinity of Persons. Ever self-sacrificially pouring out for the good of others. In Whom we discover authentic love. An empathetic and active attunement in light of godly order. Paving eternity. Not a truth we can presume to create, but the Truth in Whom we are created.
FAMILY IS NOT SIMPLY AN ASSOCIATION of people who share the same DNA and space. Who help one another accomplish life tasks. Family is forged by our common awareness of our Designer. In Whom we discover our design. Not something we can presume to determine, but Someone in Whom we are determined. In Whom we discover our most fundamental identity, purpose, and mission. In Whom our relationships are forged. Family is an icon of God. Who is Love. A Trinity of Persons. Ever self-sacrificially pouring out for the good of others. In Whom we discover authentic love. An empathetic and active attunement in light of godly order. Paving eternity. Not a truth we can presume to create, but the Truth in Whom we are created.
FAMILY IS ABOUT THE STRIVING. THE PURSUIT. Family requires fathers striving to be godly fathers. Mothers, godly mothers. Children, godly children. All committed to a culture of ever-deepening encounter with Jesus Christ, Who ushers us into the life of the Trinity. Flowing streams of sacramental grace. Holy Communion proclaimed in Holy Community. Marked by personal prayer. Gathered, meaningful prayer and conversation. Prompt forgiveness, apology, and renouncing influences of the Enemy. Evidently prioritizing people over pixels. Clear guidance in the moral, spiritual, and virtuous life. Taking steps together along that path.
ALL THIS IS TRUE AND IMPACTFUL. Whether we understand it, or not. Desire it, or not. God who is Love is anchored beyond us. Inviting us to humbly bow. To avail. As in Mary's Fiat: "Yes, Lord. Be it done to me as you have said!" Parents lead their families into the life of the Holy Trinity by striving to live lives that proclaim, "Yes, Dad!" And flowing from that, children who proclaim, "Yes, Dad. Yes, Mom." This is what Jesus Christ revealed every moment of His life. Particularly in the Garden: "Not as I will, but as You will." And in Himself, He makes it possible.
IF WE GET FAMILY RIGHT, we'll get everything else right. Because family is God's Beating Heart of It All. If we get family right, we will literally be living God. Making Him present. Known to the world. Tapping a fecund Font and Wellspring of authentic peace, joy, and intimacy. This is our greatest, eternal pursuit. Our deepest yearning for which He alone is the Fulfillment. Ultimate measure of our existence. A shadow in this life of a magnificent, radiant Love we'll be forever participating in the next.
This is what we're about at Families united in building the Kingdom. Get on board with us. Partner with us.
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LORD JESUS CHRIST, may we more fully recognize and live who we are in You, and in response to You, constantly offer our full-hearted "Yes, Dad!"