ONE CHURCH: WHAT IF? [Appeal to Protestant & Catholic Friends]

for all who call upon the Name of Jesus Christ, who deeply desire His Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven, there is one guiding, defining question above all others... more than what moves us, or even makes sense. It's the question given witness by every saintly person who's ever lived:


For all interested in Salvation, let's please consider just one, emphatic teaching of Jesus: "Verily, verily I say unto you... unless you eat of my flesh and drink of my blood, you have no life within you." (John 6:53)

GOD'S PART IS REVELATION. Ours is either rejection or reception.

Rejection: "From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him." (John 6:66)

Reception: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” (John 6:68)

If Scripture was sufficient in itself, we wouldn't have the travesty of thousands of "vicars" purporting to authoritatively interpret Scripture. We wouldn't be a broken body. The big question: Where in Scripture do they derive their interpretative authority? Without authority there is no unity. (Irenaeus)

Christ's meaning was unquestioned for the first fifteen centuries of the church. He didn't change His mind
What is logically, historically, biblically necessary: If we believe in the authority of the inspired Word, we must believe in the authority of the inspired Context and Body that give us that Word, "the church, the pillar and foundation of truth." (1 Tim. 3:15)

IN GOOD COMPANY: Over the centuries innumerable scholars were guided by the defining question ("What is true?"). They brought every single objection: Mary & the Saints, purgatory, papal infallibility, "cannibalism" (Eucharist), contraception, marriage and divorce.... With St. John Henry Newman, these shared a common sensibility: There are many misconceptions of the Catholic Church, and were I to believe these were true, I wouldn't have become Catholic either!

On the other hand, compared to the thousands who became Catholic, you'll be hard pressed to find a single believer who, on the basis of scholarship and the guiding question ("What is true?"), left the Catholic Church.

APPEAL: Bring your hardest questions. With openness to the answers. And please know, if your deep-seeded "yuck" factor towards Catholicism is the result of too-often pathetic witness of lukewarm, half hearted, mediocre, jump-through-the-hoops, broken people... you are rightly recognizing a tragic poverty in the disparity between what we profess to be true, and how we are living!

A poverty for which YOU may be part of the provision!

What if the tremendously anointed evangelical pastors and leaders so in love with Jesus Christ, so attuned and gifted at Kingdom building, humbly attended to truth... came to embrace it's fullness in Catholicism... but essentially retained everything God has built through them... as a front-end, open door to so many seekers wanting the Encounter, wanting to be discipled... but pointing towards the fullness? It would not simply bless all seekers by paving the way to the greatest intimacy for which they yearn (Eucharistic communion), but it would send spiritual shockwaves to the many Catholics, reawakening them to the Relationship at the heart of ritual and religion they (we) profess.

Let me punctuate: 99% of the profound love of Jesus Christ, love of the Word of God, life in the Holy Spirit, dynamism of personal and communal pursuit-- is the very fabric of what Catholics believe and profess! Imagine such a vital partnership with a Catholic parish and pastor with an on-fire evangelical assembly, led by a leader who embraces Catholicism?

Let this be an iconic example of what could be-- an amazingly beautiful tribute to Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist... introduced by amazing evangelical worship leader, Rita Springer-- with our son Seph Schlueter:

When Evangelicals discover their Catholic roots, and Catholics rediscover their evangelical wings, we'll truly be One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church (our most ancient Creed), lifting this world to heaven! Who's open?