I'M NOT SO CONCERNED ABOUT those who knowingly and brazenly worship Satan. Duly noting they haven't the faintest idea what they're messing with. What tortured eternity looks and feels like. Forever. I'm more concerned with the multitude who think their path is any different, but are actually worshiping the same. Some even calling themselves Christians. Who think truth is something we can presume to create, instead of Someone in Whom we are created. Who think our nature made in God is compatible with real sin. Porn. Extramarital sex. Abortion. Transgenderism. Unkindness. Maliciousness. Judgmentalism.

AND I'M MINDFUL THAT a big reason is in the mirror. People like me. Who haven't always given compelling witness to the real presence of Jesus Christ. Who have cast Pearls before Swine. Joy-filled peace, vitality, and sureness of His Way. Who haven't readily apologized, forgiven, and renounced whispers and lies of our Enemy. Who have not ventured beyond positions to the hearts of real people. People like me who have said "yes" only insofar as it didn't stretch my comfort zone. Caused me to lose regard. Or friendship. Or resources. Or money. Or security.

ANYONE else here eager for the Kingdom? Ready for His dominion? Ready to invite Him to conquer our souls first? This is necessary if we want to see authentic, godly revitalization of marriages & families. The cornerstone of civilization.

LORD JESUS CHRIST, I am Yours. Make me more so! I am so sorry for all the ways I have not embraced my unsurpassed identity and mission in You! Conquer all within me that is not of You! Let Your streams of living water move within me to overflow!

We are families united in seeking, proclaiming, living and building the Kingdom.
FAMILIES: ILoveMyFamily.us
MEN: Pentecost365.us