ONE OF MY DEAREST FRIENDS IS IN HIS 90’S. Over the last 9 years of our friendship, we’ve duked it out over a cribbage board. Fabulous occasion to talk just about everything. Yesterday he shared this amazing story (and gave me permission to share it).
AT HIS ASSISTED LIVING PLACE, Jim goes for a daily Rosary walk with his trusty pooch, Eddie. Last week he decided to take a path less traveled and came upon an army of encamped weeds. He resolved to return the next day and reclaim territory. Impressive enough, right?
THE NEXT DAY CAME AND, bag in hand, Jim liberated area after area. Until he came upon The Monster Weed. Deep. Stubborn. Unyielding. As hard as he pulled, it would not budge. The next day, with new resolve, Jim tried again. No luck. On the third day, he’d had enough. He returned with indefatigable determination and spoke harshly: "I'm going to get you... you little bastard!" (I've always marveled how certain people can utter profanity with such timing and flourish that it almost seems virtuous!)
LEANING DOWN, both hands wrapped around the neck of this thing (just above ground), Jim put all his energy into it. That wasn’t enough. He needed to leverage the totality of his weight. So he did. The Thing snapped. Propelling Jim forcefully backward. His head and 90+-year-old body on a violent collision course with hard cement.
IN THE SPLIT SECOND Jim recalls thinking, “I’m really going to be injured.” But something remarkable happened. Something beyond human explanation. Moving full force to the cement, Jim teared up a bit as he shared: “I felt the arms of God holding my shoulders… completely restraining my fall… just resting me down gently on the cement with no injury.”
Yeah. Wow. A day later Jim went at it with a screwdriver and manhandled as much as he could out of the ground. He vows to continue the battle against the weed.
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO ME? God was asking: “What army of ‘weeds’ have you allowed to take up residence in your soul? What's that doing for you? Why are you avoiding it? What are you going to do about it? Come and let me set you free! Be healed. Restored. Revived. Come to Confession. Apologize. Forgive. From the Heart. Declare My Lordship over you, over the Territory made for My indwelling Spirit! Don't rely upon just your energy; trust me with the totality of your being! I will not let you fall! You will not be harmed! I've got you!"