We have the most radically pro-abortion president ever, held up as a "good Catholic" and supported by 50% of Catholics who regard themselves the same.

Let's not kid ourselves. This is a symptom of a disease. A portrait of the collective "us."

I'M GOING TO ARGUE that this is not simply the result of "those" of the nefarious, deep-state, progressive-liberal "dominion" ever-conspiring to undermine our faith and republic. Nor is it even the result of "those" 
confused and cowardly clergy and sheep who follow. 

Much more fundamentally, our current situation is the result of all of us who profess it but aren't about fully living it.

It's the result of we who profess God but in notable ways hold hands with the Adversary.
 Who allow busyness to rob us of blessedness (the vast majority of Catholics do not even have a committed daily encounter time with God). Who delegate faith formation of our children to contexts of practical atheism (statistically, even among those attending Catholic schools the vast majority partake of grave matter, basis of mortal sin; 90% are gone by age 23). And in our homes, who surrender our rule of our "domestic churches" to the tyranny of pixels over people. 

Our predominant witness is not a joy-filled, owned, sacrificial life in the Holy Spirit, permeating and guiding who we are and all we do-- at best we've become a culture ever relying on the next great program. A culture of Catholic program junkies. A field of dry bones. (Ez. 37:1-14)

ABSENCE of OUR ACTIVELY, PASSIONATELY, FULLY EVANGELIZING perhaps betrays one, difficult truth: We have not been evangelized. Like the cursed "Pirates of the Caribbean," we may be partaking of the banquet but it's going right through us. Pearls before swine. (Matt. 7:6) All the Holy Communion without any evidence of an evangelizing, taking-territory, Holy Community. 

IF WE'RE HONEST, WE ARE A PEOPLE IN AMNESIA. We've forgotten who we are. Our faith to many looks like "a loveless marriage." (Peter Herbeck) And as the multitude more and more languishes in the fading light of this world, they're looking for light. Where will they find it?

THIS IS THE CATHOLIC MOMENT. Into this, Christ came and revealed our true nature. The nature of love. Not sacrificing other for self (lust), but sacrificing self for the good of other (love). Not simply in externals. Observances. Not simply in aspects. But inner dispositions at the heart of disciplines. (CCC, #2111) Authentic love. Participating in the very life of the Trinity. God forging us in and through each and every struggle. Particularly in our homes. Atmospheres of ever-deepening encounter with Him. Contexts for formation for eternal life. By which the future will pass.

NOW IS THE HOUR. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. The context is in our homes. If you go by the name "parent" you've been divinely appointed and anointed priest, prophet, and king. To shine the light. To take territory. Let's do that. Together.

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Cor. 7:14