Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama. Joe Biden. These three luminaries have been iconic of the left’s mission to rewrite history. Continuing their Party's tradition spanning back to the days of opposing the liberation of slaves and denying women their rightful suffrage, this trio has taken the helm of igniting the fuse of chaos.
To really understand their playbook, we need to turn to its principal author, Saul Alinsky, a pioneering community organizer and political activist. Alinsky's influential book, "Rules for Radicals," laid the ideological foundation that both Clinton and Obama drew upon. Central to Alinsky's philosophy was the belief in direct action as a means to achieve social and political change. As a pioneer of political weaponization, he emphasized the importance of organizing and mobilizing marginalized communities to exert pressure on existing power structures. This often involved stirring up conflict and confrontation to expose what he regarded as inherent contradictions within those systems. Alinsky also championed the tactic of personalized attacks against opponents, considering ridicule and mockery as potent tools to delegitimize adversaries.
If you want to know Alinksy's real inspiration:
Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.
(Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinksy)
Clinton and Obama both internalized these principles, employing community organizing and advocating for progressive change during their political careers. The strategies of empowerment through mobilization and the use of confrontational tactics resonate as hallmarks of their political trajectories, reflecting the lasting influence of Saul Alinsky's pragmatic approach to achieving transformative change. Joe Biden, though not an Alinsky acolyte himself, emerged as a convenient choice for continuing the legacy – a malleable marionette whose mental state conveniently suited him for puppetry.
With the lines drawn (satire and sarcasm alert!), let's turn to the true masterstroke, as our trio has so radically pivoted from opposing basic human rights and traditional values to embracing policies that erase our national identity by advocating for open borders. Who needs sovereignty and security? And let's not forget their ingenious plan to disband the police while simultaneously turning the Justice Department into a political weapon. Because what's more efficient than fighting crime by handcuffing law enforcement and letting ideological crusaders enforce their vision of justice?
Economic prosperity must have been too dull for their tastes, as they've masterfully presided over some of the worst economic conditions in recent memory. It's almost poetic how they champion a culture of dependency while paying lip service to empowerment. Nothing says "freedom" like reliance on government handouts.
Identity politics, civil unrest, and violence – these three truly know how to throw a party. Their leadership has transformed once-thriving Blue Cities into hotbeds of turmoil, where ideological clashes take precedence over the rule of law. Truly, they've taken the art of division to new heights.
They haven't just ignited chaos; they've mastered the art of twisting and weaponizing words to suit their narrative. While few would oppose the assertion that black lives matter, the leadership of Black Lives Matter has managed to exploit the goodwill of others for massive financial gain, while using it as a battering ram to further their agenda, often against those who are black. Similarly, Antifa, ostensibly advocating against fascism, has paradoxically become a paragon of fascism – ruthlessly quashing perspectives divergent from their own through violent means. These linguistic acrobatics are a testament to their craftiness in using language as a tool to manipulate and divide.
And of course, they've taken it upon themselves to redefine basic human concepts like gender. By institutionalizing gender confusion and promoting a culture of mental dysphoria, they've achieved unparalleled rates of depression, despair, and suicide. It's as if they believe societal progress is best measured by the number of people confused and suffering.
Now, in their most audacious act yet, they're pushing for minors to exercise their newfound "freedom" to terminate unborn lives and undergo life-altering surgeries without pesky parental consent. Who needs the guidance of those who brought you into the world when you can have the benevolent hand of bureaucracy making decisions for you, decisions that will impact their lives forever?
The power they wield has become deeply embedded, defying any office or representation. In the grand theater of political puppetry, they masterfully orchestrated a macabre symphony with an unholy alliance of government, big pharma, and dot-com oligarchs. And what perfect timing! Behold, Fauci's Viral Masterpiece, a meticulously manufactured chaos-conductor, that suspiciously debuted just in time for elections – a coincidence that would make even the most imaginative conspiracy theorist blush. The result? A dazzling spectacle of government encroachment, snugly entwined with the social engineering dreams of socialism.
Like a well-choreographed dance, this virus and its ever-so-elusive companion, "vaccine," prompted a delicate takeover of our lives, leaving no aspect uncontrolled. From the moment we woke to the last tweet we read, their influence was as ubiquitous as a catchy pop song. Their craving for an obedient populace was engorged by a serendipitous blend of governmental mastery and technological prowess, all to ensure that the principal means of an informed society remained firmly in the clutches of those who've mastered the art of pulling strings. (All validated by the likes of Musk's Twitter dump and other whistleblowers with the courage to emerge from the shadows.)
In the grand tapestry of American history, the rapidly fraying threads are being spun at the spindle of these three figures. A legacy of erasing borders, sowing discord, and championing policies that defy common sense and traditional values. One can only marvel at their audacity to claim that their actions are all in the name of American freedom. Historically the story they're penning is one of a once beautiful, bold, and bountious nation set ablaze by misguided ideology and reckless leadership.
God help us. And help us help ourselves.
Shadow Hands: Fink, Soros, & the Cult of Control
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