Every year, millions attempt to fill out a perfect March Madness bracket. Most are not relying upon chance. Most are making educated determinations, some involving every sophisticated means of information and analysis known to mankind. And every year, they fail miserably. They don't even come close.

By the numbers: The odds of going 63 for 63 are approximately 1 in 9.2 QUINTILLION.

BUT SOMEHOW YOU THINK the smallest of matter any number of years ago, first of all, just existed, secondly, just had the perfect conditions, to (thirdly) become randomly assembled with ever-greater perfection over an infinitesimal number of instantiations (contrary to Murphy's Law), each having a probability infinitesimally less than March Madness, to become... one like us. Never mind the complementarity of man and woman necessary for perpetuation!

The only appropriate response, from strictly a scientific/empirical perspective: THAT TAKES A LOT OF FAITH!

CONSIDER: If you were walking along a beach and came upon something as simple as a plastic bowl, or as sophisticated as an iPhone, even if you had never seen such before, you would rightly regard them as products of intelligent design.

LOOK AT EVERY STORY EVER TOLD. Every biography ever written. Recognize what the once virulent atheist-genius, C.S. Lewis, recognized and came to accept: There is enduring meaning and purpose embedded in every human person. Spanning the centuries. We cannot so much determine this Meaning as accept how we've been determined by Him.

NOW PLEASE HEAR THIS: PERHAPS THE SAME GOD who designed you for Himself also looked ahead and saw this moment. You. Here. Right now. With all the things happening in your life. Knowing full well your spiritual and human poverty, for which He alone is your Provision. He sees what stands in the way.

And I'm meant to say to you right now: Please do not let the profound imperfection of all of us who profess Him stand in the way of accepting the perfect Him whom we profess.

Quit fighting. God did not design you to be mere scaffolding. A random chance assemblage of impersonal, irrelevant, and inconsequential matter. He made you sacred. Holy. A temple for His indwelling Spirit. With a profound purpose: for great intimacy with Himself. And in Him, with all others. Now and through all eternity. Right now He's knocking at your door. Open it. Come home.