MIMI, AMY & ME (Jesus Delivers)


Just out of Adoration, I went to the post office to drop off a package. Mimi and Amy were ahead of me. Two black ladies in their 50s or 60s. They had just met in line and had been sharing a good bit of story before me. Totally reverberating with kindness, joy and exuberance. Call it a Greg-ism, but a cloud of God's glory was encompassing them. Evident. So moving.

WHEN I WAS DONE, they were continuing their conversation in the outer area. While the normal thing would have been to simply pass them and be on my way, I'm not normal. I'm ok with that. Moved by their hearts, I offered, "I hope you both have a very blessed Thanksgiving!" Their eyes widened in joy-filled surprise, so I couldn't help but approach them, arms open, "Ok, let's bring it in and lift Him up! We are family in Christ here!" With faces beaming,  "Yes... yes... yes!"

NEXT MOMENT, THERE WE WERE. Three complete strangers 10 minutes before. Different races. Different backgrounds. One God. Circled up. In the vestibule of this odd looking church. A post office. Thanking Jesus for the moment. For Who He Is. His profound love. The Holy Spirit had us praying for all on our hearts and minds, family members, friends. Praying for physical and spiritually healing to be outpoured. Renouncing any influences or wounds of the past. Praying that our hearts be inhabited by His Holy Spirit....

AFTER WHAT SEEMED LIKE HOURS, but was no more than a moment, our faces radiated something like Moses at the Burning Bush. Tears streaming down faces. Expressions of gratitude and joy. Renewal. Freedom.

AND WHY NOT? God who is always pressing in broke through. Simply because we humbled ourselves and allowed Him. 

Those around us may have thought we were wackadoodle. Or perhaps not. Perhaps they may have been awakened to real conviction that our deepest yearning, our languishing, fears, concerns, addictions, all forms of clouds ... can be dispelled by two or more gathered. Calling upon His Name. The Name of Jesus. The only provision for our greatest poverty.

Because He said so. Because He promised. (Matthew 18:20)

WE DEPARTED more aware of how close we were. Deeply imprinted with the love of God. What an unsurpassed gift they were, and are, to me. This is the Kingdom. Thank you, Jesus!


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