Over recent years there has been emphasis on managing your "personal brand." Basically, "brand" concerns how you want to be perceived or regarded in the public sphere. I guess the assumption is that this is different than who you really are all the time.
WITH DUE REGARD for differences in more private and public spheres, I truly wonder if this was the case with Jesus. Did He regard His "public self" as something to be managed? Would He have engaged marketing consultants today? Would He have been overly influenced by how He was perceived and received?
HONESTLY, I think He would be repulsed by the notion of "personal brand." That we at any time would consider anything other than living and proclaiming who we truly are. Regardless of popularity. Regardless of traction. Regardless of whether or not it would go "viral." Regardless of consequence.
JESUS IS ABOUT LIVING IT. All the time. Integrity. Not something to be managed. Without which there can be no true, authentic relationship. Without which no wonder the impoverished world remains suspicious of authentic faith.
SO IF WE MUST SPEAK of "personal brand," for all who truly identify with Jesus Christ, this is it. The guide and measure not simply of all we do, but Whose we are. For His Kingdom.
LORD JESUS CHRIST, may we be so regarded.