"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12
MY POINT HERE IS TO CONVINCE YOU of the real meaning of Christmas. After all the presents have been unwrapped, what Presence remains. After all the lights have faded, what Light continues to shine. Why He came to earth. What it has to do with you. In short: You have "Emmanuel Hands." God is with us through you. He isn't simply interested in our celebrating the newborn King; He wants us to live the newborn Kingdom. Here we go.
YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH HEALING MIRACLES. When every form of medical aid has failed and calling on the Name of Jesus results in healing.
OVER THE PAST FEW WEEKS ALONE, in the context of greater formation by the Encounter School of Ministry (now in over 20 dioceses throughout the world), Stephanie and I have personally participated in prayer resulting in innumerable physical healing miracles. Adding to many other manifestations of Emmanuel! ("God with us") throughout the years, we share this amazing testimony of a friend healed of COVID and other conditions (GO), and this beautiful testimony of healing of a young wife and mother (GO), and this testimony of two brothers moved by the Holy Spirit to go to Egypt where through them a number of miracles took place resulting in many conversions (GO), and this snapshot of 3,000 Catholics at the Encounter Conference where hundreds gave testimony to miraculous healings (GO).
HEALING MIRACLES are not the work of the exceptional. Big televangelists with big ministries. Big people who write books and give talks. It doesn't require great formation. Or great holiness. Or even great effort. Only the audacity to believe what Jesus said. Where "believing" means acting on it. Living it.
HEALING MIRACLES are for all those who call upon the name of Jesus in faith. The size of a mustard seed. (Matt. 13:31-32) When we call upon the Name of Jesus in faith, we do what He commanded us to do. (John 14:13) "Something" always happens. In God's way. In God's time. But powerfully. Every time.
AND MUCH MORE OFTEN THAN WE EXPECT, God desires complete healing. Immediately. For His glory. That all may be brought more deeply into His love.
YES, WE WILL ALL SUFFER AND DIE. Yes, God forges us through suffering to be conformed more fully to His own heart. Yes, we will all pass from this life to the next by way of death. But what have we to fear, so long as we know He is not simply with us in it, He is in us with it?! (2 Cor 13:5)
THROUGHOUT MY LIFE there have been too many moments of failing to initiate prayer. Disregarding my capacity to call upon the Name of Jesus. Even for family members. My prayerful haunting of late is to simply ask: Why? If God has appointed and anointed us to be His Presence in this world, to be Emmanuel, if for every poverty we are His Provision, what stands in the way?
TOO MANY OF US SETTLE for a "faith" only where safe. When convenient. With safe people. At safe times. Within our comfort zones. Too many of us are about God's words but not instruments of His works. Professions but not power. This happens every time we pass people in need of healing without initiating.
Jesus makes it clear: Not acting is acting. Not speaking is speaking. When we are so appointed and anointed to be His healing presence but fail to do so we cast pearls before swine. (Matt. 7:6) We are the one who buries the talents. (Matt. 25:14-30) And then so many of us wonder why we're living in a spiritual half-life. Languishing. Jesus said why: If we're not using what He's given us, living in Him, even what is given will be taken away.
“But when it pleased God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called by His grace, TO REVEAL HIS SON IN ME.” (Gal. 1:15-16)
WHAT IF TOGETHER we earnestly recognized and received the unsurpassed gift of Christmas such that when we look in the mirror, and as we respond to every need around us, we proclaim EMMANUEL! GOD IS WITH US!
TAKE THAT STEP OF FAITH TODAY WITH ONE PERSON. Someone with whom you have a good, trusting relationship. A family member perhaps. Someone in need of physical healing. (You KNOW you were meant to read this right now because it makes you uncomfortable! Precisely the occasion for faith!)
1) Initiate. Find the right time and place of prayerful receptivity. Even if just a moment. God is present. It's Holy Ground. Make it happen.
Know that there's a word for getting over the "weird" or "awkward" factor (we've all had it): faith. Here is an invitation to cross over from earthly limitation to heavenly living. Simply put: Love vanquishes all doubts, fears, weirdness and awkwardness. Love is the substance of faith. Connect with God's deep heart of love for the other person.
Know that Jesus has conferred His healing authority. (Luke 10) If you've been baptized in Christ, this means you. God doesn't simply want admiration; He wants emulation. He wants to demonstrate His presence and power to an unbelieving world. Through you. Emmanuel!
Take the first step. Keep it real. Convey with humility that though you've never done this before, God has moved you in love for them to not simply pray for them, or even with them, but over them. Proclaim your confidence in God's healing power. Proclaim that God is healing even the most significant of ailments through ordinary people, including deafness, blindness, viruses, hearts, livers, brains, diabetes, cancer, broken limbs, skin conditions. Give testimony.
2) Evaluate. Ask them to rate the condition and level of pain (1-10), or what limitations they have as a result of their condition (e.g., mobility, breathing, etc.).
3) Evoke faith. Ask if they believe God can and wants to heal. Invite them to declare it: "Jesus, I believe You love me and want to heal me."
4) Instruct. All they need to do is simply be receptive and aware of what God is doing. All you're going to do is pray over them in the name of Jesus in a simple way. Convey that they may experience heat or tingling or other sensations, but most important is to be mindful that our loving God is so alive and present, that He is presiding over this moment.
5) Invoke the Holy Spirit. Begin in a moment of silence. Enter into prayer. Be attuned to God's heart of love for them. Ask how He wants to move. If He gives you images or impressions, share them. These open the doors of faith. (For instance, I'm often aware of streams of living water pouring forth from the heavenly throne over and into them. I tell them.)
6) Act in the Name of Jesus. Speak normally in the Name of Jesus to the ailment. Command in Jesus' Name for it to be healed. Simple, few, plain words of faith: "COVID, in the Name of Jesus Christ I command you right now to leave Susan's body! Blood, organs, muscles, tissues, ligaments, tendons... in the Name of Jesus Christ I command you to be restored, completely healed, free from every and all symptoms!"
7) Evaluate. After praying over them, interview them as to their pain or state. If the condition is improved, recognize and proclaim it! Thank God! Stay with it at least three times, after each time inquiring as to their pain or condition. Truthfully, most of the time substantial and full healing comes from perseverance like this! Many times, in the days that follow.
8) Proclaim. Regardless of anything measurable, know and proclaim that God is working powerfully. In His time and His way. Through you, His love is being manifest.
GIVE TESTIMONY as to what God has done (If you have Facebook, post here)! Your testimony will encourage others!
LORD GOD, help us live what we profess in Christmas! That Your Kingdom come and Your will be done!