I'VE GOT A GOOD FRIEND WHO'S 93. We play cribbage a couple times a month. Over the years I've marveled at how he so patiently and lovingly dealt with a wife in physical and mental decline. How God prepared him to do so. Right through her death. Now I marvel at how he's dealing with his own decline. Forgetfulness of things that once were engrained. Physical functionality he once took for granted.
MY DEAR FRIEND is a faith-filled soul. He knows his landing gear is down and he's coming in for a landing. Yet somewhere beyond the generally stoic surface, I know he faces periodic frustration. Aloneness. Fear. And I am so blessed to be for him an occasion of understanding, acceptance, encouragement, and humor in it all. Our connections definitely have a quality of restoration. God with and in us.
AND THEN I FOUND MYSELF "THERE." Experiencing some of the same with COVID. While still recovering from the physical knock-out (read my story), it's the mental thing. A post-COVID cloud is very real (more so than our digitally-induced cultural pandemic!). As with me, perhaps for many others. As recent as this morning Steph apparently told me something three times. I had no excuse of distraction. (She's always so gracious!)
SO, PLEASE CONSIDER: Before you get annoyed or frustrated at someone not remembering something you've said a dozen times (without excusing need to do the work of improving!), imagine how they must feel being told they've missed something a dozen times!
GOD USES ALL THESE THINGS to forge us in virtue. Attunement to His Heart. A real capacity for love. What an opportunity. Holy Spirit, come!