THAT HATEFUL, INTOLERANT, RACIST CONSERVATIVE GLENN BECK had the audacity to rally his equally hateful, intolerant and racist audience to contribute over $20 million to get imperiled Americans and Afghans out of harm's way when Biden would not, who in fact worked to suppress the effort.

WHILE BIDEN'S $80B GIFT in lethal weaponry to the terrorists was being used for such noble purposes as flying around hanged people below a Blackhawk helicopter. Who are now systematically going door to door and executing people. Mandating the populace attend stonings in large stadiums.
AND TODAY! Beck is expressing outrage about the atrocity against... homosexuals! (Not for the faint of heart: Torture followed by cutting body up into small pieces, throwing into the street, with a sign pronouncing this is what they do to homosexuals). Such heights of bigotry! Can you show me where that's being reported by MSNBC? CNN? Biden administration?
WE DIDN'T EVEN TALK ABOUT the border catastrophe, atheistic socialism, critical race theory, sexually confused men using our daughter's public bathrooms, and killing unborn children on demand at our expense.
ALL THE PRICE FOR FRAIL EGOS that can't critically distinguish between canonization and an election. Between perfection and the greatest good possible. Fundamental self-evident truths derived from our nature in God and the imminent threat to the same woven into one party's platform.
ON A BINARY POLITICAL LANDSCAPE, you don't just get what you vote for, you get what you allowed. Sin is not simply in the intentionally doing, it's in the knowingly allowing.
(Most profoundly in our own hearts!)

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