The mighty power of encountering God face to face. Unmasked.
SO IT HAS BEEN NO LITTLE AMOUNT OF REAL ANGUISH over the past months to be without a parish. Week after week, to be Roamin’ Catholics. No blame. We respect our new pastor's preference for us not to come if we won't wear masks. His very thoughtful letter put solid punctuation on what was already religiously proclaimed (which is to say, plastered on every door, in the bulletins, all announcements, pews): You're not charitable if you don't wear a mask.
Without any judgment upon those desiring restriction, a good number have very strong empirical, liturgical, spiritual reasons not to have such restriction (see links at bottom). Duly sharing in the sadness of such division, in odd circumstances such as present both groups can be reasonably served. And up to that point, reasonable pastoral solutions seemed to work well. Those who wanted restriction had a chapel reserved for them. Other parishes offered “restrictive” masses.
With other parishioners who share our concerns, including a doctor well-versed in covid research, we addressed this with our pastor personally. He shared his pastoral perspective. With his mask off. This is perhaps the most vexing thing. Inconsistency. And optics. Trying to figure out the norm that is really guiding. Either something is of fundamental concern or it is not. Sincerely, we can't pretend to understand the pastoral pressures. We understand and respect that, above all, he is honoring the bishop's guidelines. (Allow a little sarcasm: At least in the sanctuary. Because germs know better than to strike out beyond!)
Accordingly, after nearly eight years of meaningful, all-family engagement in our beloved parish, out of honor for him, along with many others, we accepted exile. (Each week we've gone to churches whose pastors welcomed us without masks.)
SO IT HAS BEEN NO LITTLE AMOUNT OF REAL ANGUISH over the past months to be without a parish. Week after week, to be Roamin’ Catholics. No blame. We respect our new pastor's preference for us not to come if we won't wear masks. His very thoughtful letter put solid punctuation on what was already religiously proclaimed (which is to say, plastered on every door, in the bulletins, all announcements, pews): You're not charitable if you don't wear a mask.
Without any judgment upon those desiring restriction, a good number have very strong empirical, liturgical, spiritual reasons not to have such restriction (see links at bottom). Duly sharing in the sadness of such division, in odd circumstances such as present both groups can be reasonably served. And up to that point, reasonable pastoral solutions seemed to work well. Those who wanted restriction had a chapel reserved for them. Other parishes offered “restrictive” masses.
With other parishioners who share our concerns, including a doctor well-versed in covid research, we addressed this with our pastor personally. He shared his pastoral perspective. With his mask off. This is perhaps the most vexing thing. Inconsistency. And optics. Trying to figure out the norm that is really guiding. Either something is of fundamental concern or it is not. Sincerely, we can't pretend to understand the pastoral pressures. We understand and respect that, above all, he is honoring the bishop's guidelines. (Allow a little sarcasm: At least in the sanctuary. Because germs know better than to strike out beyond!)
Accordingly, after nearly eight years of meaningful, all-family engagement in our beloved parish, out of honor for him, along with many others, we accepted exile. (Each week we've gone to churches whose pastors welcomed us without masks.)
NONETHELESS, DIFFICULT THINGS NEED TO BE SPOKEN. Unquestioned acceptance, the suspending of judicious judgment that is clericalism, has only proven to be disastrous for our church. Things hidden in darkness will always come to light. We regard it as a mark of respect to recognize our flaws, but address the difficulties candidly. Availed here and anywhere to candid, respectful response. Either we are integral members of church, or we are not. Either something is true and good, or it is not.
Either our church is exhibiting life and vitality, or it is not.
HAVING PRAYERFULLY SAT ON THIS FOR MANY WEEKS, my purpose in communicating now is because it is a view shared by many, prayerful souls (including innumerable doctors), but it does not seem to be regarded. It must be if we are to see the Kingdom come. If we believe that Jesus Christ Himself is the norm: condescending from the heavens and accepting even death, death on a cross. (Phil. 2) If we have hope for transcending the clouds of fear that have come to so define not simply this generation, but matters “church” and “faith.”
WITHOUT EXPECTING OTHERS to agree, we share the view of one courageous pastor who suggested mask-wearing is an affront to the 8th Commandment. Bearing false witness. We regard it as an unnecessary affront to the nature of adoration. Which literally means “mouth to mouth.” We believe the hyped demands around it are inconsistent with every other area of risk/harm. The vast majority of mask wearers have been without masks in restaurants. They've driven in cars. Much higher risk "behaviors." And focus on but one facet of health at the exclusion of all others is, empirically, causing even catastrophic damage.
ALONG WITH PROLONGED, unnecessary dispensation-- depriving emaciated souls from the only provision for their poverty, giving them excuse not to attend (we know more than a few), we believe the mask culture continues to proclaim the Church’s less than full regard for the "essential" nature of the Sacrament. In the healing power of Jesus Christ.
I’M SO SORRY TO SAY WHAT MUST BE SAID: What's so disconcerting is the degree to which so many vowed to administer such sacraments, ordained “in the person of Christ,” have whole-heartedly wrapped this cancel and fear culture around the Mass, instead of wrapping the Mass around the culture.
I DON'T KNOW WHERE OR HOW TO END THIS. My interest is not in stirring up. But healthy forum. Acknowledging that we are flawed. That we don’t have all the answers. But we love our Church. We seek the heart of Jesus Christ for His Church. And through His Church, hope for His Kingdom to come in this world. We genuinely love our bishops and priests, and continue to pledge our praying and fasting. We can’t pretend to understand their challenges. And if we truly are members of that church, if anything contained herein rings good, faithful, and true, we humbly seek prayerful regard for the One who made it so. That we might become like that tree that is now adorning our front yard. Unmasked. In full bloom. Proclaiming the capacity for seeming barren limbs to go from “dry bones” to newness of life. (Ez. 37) May that be our Easter prophecy in this April, 2021. To that end, we’re in this with you.
Either our church is exhibiting life and vitality, or it is not.
HAVING PRAYERFULLY SAT ON THIS FOR MANY WEEKS, my purpose in communicating now is because it is a view shared by many, prayerful souls (including innumerable doctors), but it does not seem to be regarded. It must be if we are to see the Kingdom come. If we believe that Jesus Christ Himself is the norm: condescending from the heavens and accepting even death, death on a cross. (Phil. 2) If we have hope for transcending the clouds of fear that have come to so define not simply this generation, but matters “church” and “faith.”
WITHOUT EXPECTING OTHERS to agree, we share the view of one courageous pastor who suggested mask-wearing is an affront to the 8th Commandment. Bearing false witness. We regard it as an unnecessary affront to the nature of adoration. Which literally means “mouth to mouth.” We believe the hyped demands around it are inconsistent with every other area of risk/harm. The vast majority of mask wearers have been without masks in restaurants. They've driven in cars. Much higher risk "behaviors." And focus on but one facet of health at the exclusion of all others is, empirically, causing even catastrophic damage.
ALONG WITH PROLONGED, unnecessary dispensation-- depriving emaciated souls from the only provision for their poverty, giving them excuse not to attend (we know more than a few), we believe the mask culture continues to proclaim the Church’s less than full regard for the "essential" nature of the Sacrament. In the healing power of Jesus Christ.
I’M SO SORRY TO SAY WHAT MUST BE SAID: What's so disconcerting is the degree to which so many vowed to administer such sacraments, ordained “in the person of Christ,” have whole-heartedly wrapped this cancel and fear culture around the Mass, instead of wrapping the Mass around the culture.
I DON'T KNOW WHERE OR HOW TO END THIS. My interest is not in stirring up. But healthy forum. Acknowledging that we are flawed. That we don’t have all the answers. But we love our Church. We seek the heart of Jesus Christ for His Church. And through His Church, hope for His Kingdom to come in this world. We genuinely love our bishops and priests, and continue to pledge our praying and fasting. We can’t pretend to understand their challenges. And if we truly are members of that church, if anything contained herein rings good, faithful, and true, we humbly seek prayerful regard for the One who made it so. That we might become like that tree that is now adorning our front yard. Unmasked. In full bloom. Proclaiming the capacity for seeming barren limbs to go from “dry bones” to newness of life. (Ez. 37) May that be our Easter prophecy in this April, 2021. To that end, we’re in this with you.