THERE'S NOT A SINGLE PERSON HERE, or of reasonable mind throughout this country, who dispute the heinous nature of what took place, nor the desire for a just sentence following due process!

Neither should anyone here dismiss the unbelievably heinous nature of beating business owners, killing police officers, looting and trashing American cities as a response. This is the "black and white": We are free, self-determining agents. We are responsible for our actions. Crime, all crime, merits just punishment.

The tragic irony of prominently blaming systematic racism is you become complicit in the same, inciting reactionary rage. And undermine the dignity of the human person as a free, self-determining agent.

Please read Sebastian Junger's "Tribe" and understand the dynamics of victimized thinking. The progressive liberal side has made this their modus operandi. Their goal has been to institutionalize a culture of victimization. They clearly do not understand Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning." Or Immaculée Ilibagiza''s response to the Rwandan massacre. Or innumerable other heroes who truly rose above horrific circumstances to become better versions of themselves.

Soros historically has been a source of perpetuating this unrest. This is a page out of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," so faithfully followed by Obama and Clinton; utilizing racial narratives to topple legitimate, ethical authority structures (duly noting that there are and will always be anomalies!).

It's not inconsequential that, in his preface, Alinksy pays tribute to "the first radical known to man", Lucifer.

Notable is that after a few days of violent looting and vandalism, in spite of a media fullcourt press, you'll be hardpressed to find a single example of an interview from the street offering sound, logical reasons. You will find people terrorizing businesses, many owned by people of color. Or attacking police, many who are people of color.

By nature, this is thugism unleashed. Proclaiming the sick, emaciated heart of society. A deeply rooted spiritual problem at its core. I'd bet every single perpetrator comes from a broken family. Without a loving, present father. Without faith. Absent awareness of identity and mission in God.

Here's a simple "right to blame" test:
Do you have opportunity to education?
Do you have opportunity to work hard?
Do you have opportunity to self-control?
Do you have opportunity to be kind?
Do you have the opportunity to be faithful?
Do you have opportunity to love?
Do you have opportunity to forgive?
Do you have opportunity to act?
Do you have opportunity?

What happens to us is beyond our control. What we do with it determines whether we choose to be victims or victorious. So long as we have opportunity, so long as we have choice, we are responsible. We are accountable.

"We fight not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

Government is not the Savior. Jesus is. And everything will continue to unravel until we embrace Him and what he revealed for each of us.

MEN: Pentecost365.us.
FAMILIES: ILoveMyFamily.us.