RIGHT NOW MANY OF US ARE RECEIVING SIZABLE CHECKS from Uncle Sam. Money we did not expect. Nor earn. Nor deserve. It begs the deepest question: Who are we? Even more so, whose are we?
FULL DISCLOSURE: We're a single-income family of eight operating on a non-profit salary that hasn't notably changed in 7 years. That is very much dependant upon others' jobs. Which are very fragile. In fact, we've already had a couple significant, "needed" benefactors drop because of present circumstances. Accordingly, with the money we anticipate receiving from the government, some might say: "You don't know what's going to happen. Keep it."
LIKE MOST OF YOU, we are far from wealthy. In fact, we joke of our 401K plan: The "K" is for "Kids." (We've formed them well. They know they'll be taking care of us!) But along with the poorest American, we are in the upper 5% of the planet. We have "everything." And like many of you, we've saved reasonably to survive a couple months if necessary.
FOR THOSE IN THIS SITUATION, I'M HERE INVITING YOU to participate in an ECONOMY OF LOVE. The heart-revealing choice before each of us: Are we witnesses to FEAR or witnesses to FAITH?
A faith-filled response is based upon three main ideas:
(1) God is sovereign,
(2) We are blessed to be blessers, and,
(3) Institutions can not love, only people can.
ACCORDINGLY, BEYOND IMMEDIATE NEED, with the money you receive, please prayerfully consider designating a substantial portion (20% or more) to whomever God directs. Ideally, someone you're in contact with personally. Whether that's a pregnant mom in crisis. Or someone out of a job. Or someplace that feeds or houses those in need. Or any multitude of other needs.
ALONG WITH THIS, if God has blessed you with a warm home with space, a working vehicle, or ANYTHING... please consider proactively reaching out to friends and neighbors in need. Inviting them for meals. Transportation. Housing if necessary. However God directs.
HEREIN is a call for each of us to be united in a READY RESPONSIVENESS to our Father's Heart. Whatever He desires from us. This is truly the Republican vision of organized society. Marked by the dignity of the human person, from which flows self-determination, AND voluntarily, conscientiously, personally attending to the needs of those closest to us with GREAT LOVE!