I know you know this life is not forever. Your plane is coming in for a landing. But that doesn't mean you need to crash land it! Your job on this earth is not done. We need you. Our world needs you. (And we kind of like you!) So make this about God. What God wants. That requires your cooperation. Prudential stewardship.

SO, IT'S LIKE THIS: Based upon known data, roughly one out of every 25 people in your age group will die [AGES: 50-59 (1.3%), 60-69 (3.6%), 70-79 (8%), 80+ (14.8%)] If a sign at an amusement park ride read "WARNING: 1 out of 25 people will die. Ride at your own risk!", would you get on?

GIVEN THE CONTAGION, every person you're exposed to is getting on that ride. Yes, there may be an overreaction, but not for you! The concern for your age group cannot be overstated!

I KNOW YOU RELISH THE THOUGHT of haunting the hell out of us in the afterlife (literally)... being able to see what's really going on when we don't answer your phone calls, but trust us! It's not really that exciting.

We hereby promise to return your calls... just as soon as the toilet is plunged, the oven fire is put out, the kid dispute is moderated, the diaper is changed, homeschooling is done... and (most importantly) the home phone is found!

SO, FOR THE NEXT COUPLE WEEKS, PLEASE STAY HOME! Completely limit your exposure. Go for walks outside. Organize the photos. Perfect your bickering (friendly humor!). Forward articles. Keep the advice coming. Teach mom cribbage. Pray another Rosary (for us!). Do a Live IT Gathering. Revise your will (I'll help you!). 
Have a martini. Enjoy it!

MAINLY: Please have a low-risk friend bring you any supplies or groceries you need.

That's about it for now. We look forward to seeing you soon on this side! We're praying for you. We support you. We love you!