It's most likely...
your Catholic faith is very important. It's likely you're active in your parish. It's likely that your Catholic faith guides your life.
Based upon stats, it's also very likely your young adult (and older) children are not nearly as faith-filled as you. It's likely they are disinterested, if not dismissive of the Catholic faith.
And now tougher news. For those with younger children, committed to Mass, engagement in Catholic schools or religious ed, praying the rosary, going to adoration... you're likely not doing much different from many whose older children are disinterested or dismissive of the faith. It's likely your children could be on the same course as those.
It begs the question: What's decisive? Based upon solid stats and experience with hundreds of families over generations: children who vibrantly own their faith were generally forged in a culture of ever-deepening encounter with Jesus Christ in their homes. They encountered personal relationship at the heart of ritual and religion.
Faith in these homes was not reduced to an activity or a program. Something you did with particular people, in particular places at particular times. Faith was the fabric of existence. The lens through which they saw the world. Woven into academics. Sports. Music. Play. Work. Recreation. Conversations. It guided their considerations of relationships, money, time, gifts.
In short, faith was a way of life. The breath of divine life animating their hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Their life-mission and purpose.
Here's a quick self-evaluative. Please note that the goal in this is not to shame. It's not to beat up. To the contrary. The goal is to receive the blessings. God is pouring it out.
So please consider: Of the likely many hours God blessed your family with last week, how much time did you devote to meaningful conversation and prayer in your home? Have you factored it into this coming week? Truly, how comfortable are family members speaking "heart to heart" about important things? And praying from the heart? Are you journeying together in this most fundamental way?
Regardless of any other religious activity, what we truly worship is revealed in what we prioritize in our homes.
Regardless of your situation, regardless of whatever you have or haven't done, or where you're at, there's really only one question that matters right now: Do you desire that your home be a place of ever-deepening encounter with Jesus Christ... as a way of life... even more so than your retreats or other religious activities?
God does.
The testimony from dozens of families is amazing. They will tell you that right now could be a game-changer. A good number are engaged in committing to a weekly time of talking and praying using our Live IT Gathering Guide (GO). There are many families who've already done this, and it's been so formidable they've committed to "core community"-- six months of amazing fellowship, prayer, encouragement, and growth.
By the way, the Enemy doesn't want you reading this. Faced with the invitation to reclaim your home culture for Jesus Christ, the Enemy would want you to feel awkward. He'll whisper every excuse: Your spouse isn't in it. Your children are resistant. You're too busy. You're good enough. They're OK.
At the end of the day, it really comes down to two, simple questions: Does God desire this for you and your family? Would He call you to something He did not provide for?
We're all in this because there is nothing more important. Family is the cornerstone of civilization. "The future of humanity passes by way of the family." (Pope St. John Paul II) If our families do not radiate God, particularly by our children's joy-filled ownership, why should non-believers be moved to "faith"? What hope for the world?
We don't promise it will be easy.
We do promise it will be worth it.