Author Yuval Noah Harari's best-selling book, "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind", is worthy of its superlative commendations (including Bill Gates). He astutely traces the historical lines of humankind known by physics 13.8 billion years ago, through the conditions presupposed to result in human evolution 2.5 million years ago (he does espouse the scientific "faith" of evolution), leading up to present day.
Like an airplane coming in for a landing at night, each light lining the runway representing a moment in history, collectively indicating a path, the work has the effect of punctuating our direction, and the current pivot point: "the replacement of natural selection by intelligent design."
Perhaps the creatures on the Island of Dr. Moreau, or in Star Wars, or Shelly's Frankenstein, are not so far-fetched!
The last two chapters are where it really gets interesting: our present and emerging capacity in genetic engineering and technology will completely alter the course of "homo sapien." Designer people. Even creating neanderthal humans for the purposes of study. Why not cross certain genetic qualities from animals that will benefit homo sapien? And bionic people. The emerging technological capacity for our brains to directly interface with very sophisticated systems. Like our devices, imagine our brains being directly linked to every other brain, and any information we might want? Imagine the unprecedented control in the hands of...?
Michael Creighton's books (Jurassic Park, Timeline, etc.) put the major theme on center stage: Because we can, does that mean we should? Unfortunately, all this is playing out on an increasingly "liberal" (a-moral) stage. Barring something epic, or the return of Jesus Christ, we know where all this is heading: Where it's scientifically capable of going. Without ethical or moral consideration of consequence.
How do we know that? While our story is one meriting great celebration of human ingenuity, resulting in unprecedented comfort and capacity for connection (including diminished global violence), it is also a tragic commentary on how much remains the same. The economic and political factors that more formidably dominated. Congo Free State. Nazi Germany. Rwanda. Abortion. (my examples)
In the midst of this, Harari does raise the fundamental question: The Meaning of Life. Happiness. Are those who lived centuries ago less happy than today? If so, why since 2001 is suicide more common than homicide? He does demonstrate that, from a purely scientific point, capitalism and liberalism are no more valuable than are the great religions of the world.
Frank Sheed suggested that to see the world sanely is to see it God-bathed. Accordingly, just as renown NASA physicist, Robert Jastrow, suggested that the study of physics was akin to climbing a mountain and finding theologians at the top, so I read this impressive account of human history through a God-bathed lens. All it takes to do that with sanity, with validity, is one, undeniable miracle, corresponding to a contextualizing faith-narrative. Validating much greater lights pointing to a much greater Runway. All that takes is the prophesied miracle in 1917 Fatima that drew up to 70,000 who observed the miracle of the sun (and everything else!). Or innumerable examples of scientifically verifiable incorruptible Saints. Or Padre Pio's stigmata.
Lights validating the Runway.
Or the woman who came to one of our events some months ago. At the end-stage of a terminal illness. The very best of science at the Cleveland Clinic failed. To their complete astonishment, after being prayed over, she was healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ.
Take that, fatalistic, a-moral, materialistic view of human value, history, and the universe!
As Harari suggests, whether capitalism, or liberalism, or any major religion, we will believe. We will have faith. The only question is in whom or what. And on what basis. The evidence of God's miraculous gift of life. It's sophistication surpassing any created thing (compelling our attribution to intelligent design!). The sublime beauty and grandeur of creativity in art, literature, music, movies and the like. The unexplainable miracles throughout the ages that fit within faith's narrative. These are all evidence that demands a verdict: Intelligent design. Beyond empirical reduction. Of a super-natural nature and origin. With loving, purposeful intent. Availed to all who choose.
The Word became flesh. And He will return soon. Emmanuel!
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